Showing posts with label Baby Issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Issues. Show all posts

6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin

6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin: Newborn skin is still sensitive and prone to irritation. Therefore, do not let Mother wrong in doing baby skin care. Here are some tricks for caring for newborn skin that you can do.
6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin
6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin
Newborn skin should not be in contact with chemicals, detergents and fragrances. In fact, not all types of baby skin care products can be used. This is because the skin condition of a newborn baby is still very sensitive, and the immune system is also still weak, so it is prone to rashes or irritations on the skin.

To maintain and care for newborn skin, here are some tricks you can do:

1. Don't take a shower too often
At this time, the baby's body is not so dirty that it is not necessary to bathe it often. Bathing more than three times a week can erode natural oil levels on the surface of the skin. In fact, the oil serves to keep the baby's skin moist.

Until the age of 1 month or more, the mother is enough to clean the body of the Little One by wiping the surface of the skin using a wet towel, 2-3 times a week.

Especially for the mouth and genital area, you can clean with a little water or add special cleansing soap for babies. Avoid using bar soap or soaking the baby in soapy water. Choose liquid soap made from soft to keep the skin moist.

2. Take care of the scalp
The scalp of a newborn usually looks dry or flaking like dandruff. In more severe conditions, the baby's scalp can be filled with patches of skin hardening like yellow, thick, and oily scales.

This condition is harmless and can usually disappear on its own after several months. The mother can scrape the scales by washing her hair every day using a special baby shampoo.

Gently massage the baby's head to help shed the scales, then comb the hair using a baby comb so that the scales can be released. After that, rinse the head with clean water.

3. Keep skin moist
It is recommended to apply fragrance-free moisturizer to the baby's skin after bathing, to prevent the skin from drying out. Creamy moisturizing products are preferred over lotions.

4. Prevent diaper rash
Diaper rash is a very common thing for babies. To prevent this from happening, Mother is advised to change her diaper often when it is wet or dirty from feces.

In addition, for the Little Thigh's fold to not be irritated, Mother can apply petroleum jelly and leave it to dry before putting on a diaper.

5. Protect from direct sunburn
Morning sun exposure is good for meeting vitamin D needs in infants. But remember, avoid direct sunlight exposure to newborns. Keep wearing clothes on your little one and use an umbrella or hat for additional protection.

6. Choose special baby detergents
Given that baby's skin is still sensitive, you also need to be careful when choosing detergents when washing your baby's clothes. We recommend that you choose detergents that do not contain fragrances and dyes, for the safety of your little one.

Caring for newborn skin requires patience and caution because the skin is still thin and sensitive. You can do the above methods to help minimize the risk of irritation to your baby's skin. If your skin is irritated, you should consult your pediatrician to get safe treatment.
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Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants

Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants: The immune system is not perfect, making babies susceptible to various diseases, including colds. There are around 200 types of viruses that can cause colds in infants. How to deal with colds in babies correctly?
Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants
Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants
Colds in babies are characterized by the discharge of snot or clear fluid from the nose, which can turn yellowish or greenish after one week. It may be accompanied by coughing or a slight fever. Generally babies still want to eat or play normally.

Actions that can be done at home
The discharge of snot during a cold, is actually a way to get rid of germs in the body. However, if there are too many snot coming out of the nose, it can interfere with the baby's breathing.

Here are some ways to relieve the symptoms of a cold in a baby that parents can do at home:
  • Place the baby in a room without air conditioning to reduce congestion. If the baby is more comfortable in an AC room, use an air humidifier or use hot water. You can add essential oils like menthol.
  • If the cold in the baby is very disturbing, dilute the mucus with salt water which is dripped onto the tip of the baby's nostrils. Then, use a baby snot to clean the nose.
  • Gently pat the baby's back to help alleviate the blocked stuffing. Lay the baby on his stomach on his knees or let the baby sit on his lap by leaning forward.
  • To avoid irritation, you can apply petroleum jelly on the outside of the nostrils.
  • Clean nasal fluid or mucus that hardens on the baby's nose. Use cotton wool moistened with warm water.
  • You can provide warm tea for babies over the age of 6 months. This can help relieve nasal congestion.

Don't Greetings
Colds that do not interfere with the baby's diet or baby activities, do not require special measures or baby cold medication. Avoid using over-the-counter drugs in children under the age of 6 because of possible dangerous side effects. It is better if the medicines given are always under the supervision of a doctor.

If the baby has a fever, then consult a doctor about the possibility of giving paracetamol or ibuprofen. Never give aspirin to babies because it can risk causing dangerous side effects.

Conditions to watch out for
Although a cold is one of the common diseases experienced by babies, but there are several conditions that make parents need to be vigilant and immediately consult with a doctor, including:
  • Colds that are accompanied by cough and fever are more than 39 degrees Celsius in children under 3 months, or fever reaches more than 40 degrees Celsius in children over 3 months.
  • Fever lasts more than two days.
  • Watery eyes or eye feces.
  • Coughing gets worse or accompanied by rapid breathing, wheezing sounds when the baby breathes.
  • Significant changes in diet or sleep, often drowsy or fussy.
  • Babies cry when they suckle while rubbing or pulling their ears, and crying when they are put on the bed.
  • Colds don't improve after 7-10 days

Infants with imperfect immune systems are at risk of experiencing various diseases. Therefore, colds in infants accompanied by severe symptoms must be watched out. Consult a doctor for appropriate and safe handling of the baby.

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Causes of Premature Babies

Causes of Premature Babies: Women with certain diseases and habits are thought to have a tendency to premature delivery. Called premature birth baby, before 37 weeks of gestation in the mother's womb.
Causes of Premature Babies
Causes of Premature Babies
Premature birth can be caused by various factors that are often difficult to predict. Babies born prematurely, especially those born before reaching the age of 32 weeks, often experience various health problems.

Some factors that can trigger premature birth babies include:

1. Infection
Some cases of premature birth are caused by bacterial infections of the reproductive system and urinary tract. The bacteria secrete substances that can weaken the membranes around the amniotic sac and cause the membranes to rupture earlier. These bacteria can also cause inflammation and infection in the uterus, even when the membranes that cover the uterus are still intact. This condition causes babies to be born prematurely.

As for infections that can cause premature births, including:
  • Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.
  • Urinary tract infections or asymptomatic bacteriuria are generally not accompanied by symptoms, so urine tests are needed to detect bacteria.
Especially for those who have previously experienced preterm labor, you should undergo a checkup and treatment for bacterial vaginosis to reduce the risk of preterm birth.

2. Certain diseases or conditions
People with certain diseases such as diabetes, kidney problems, high blood pressure, anemia during pregnancy, are more at risk of developing preterm labor.

In addition, problems in the placenta such as placenta previa or placental abruption can also make a baby born prematurely. Placenta previa is a condition when the placenta is embedded too close to the cervix or cervix.

Patients with placenta previa are prone to severe bleeding so often require a caesarean section. Abruptio placenta or placental abruption is a condition when the placenta begins to separate from the uterine wall before the baby is born. This condition can endanger the life of the mother and baby.

Having a cervical structure that is less than 2.5 cm, or a cervix that opens and closes without contractions can also cause preterm birth. This abnormal condition of the cervix can occur from birth or due to cervical surgery.

Having surgery in the abdominal cavity during pregnancy, for example due to inflammation of the appendix or gallstones, also increases the risk of the baby being born prematurely.

3. Lifestyle
Daily bad habits can also trigger premature babies like:
  • Smoking during pregnancy
  • Take alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Lack of consuming nutritious foods.

4. Other risk factors
There are several other specific conditions that make a woman more at risk of premature delivery, including:
  • Contain more than one baby.
  • Pregnant with a distance of less than six months from a previous pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy through IVF.
  • Have had an abortion or miscarriage several times.
  • Some preterm labor tends to also occur in pregnant women who have blood relations with women who have experienced it first. In this case, genetic factors can be considered to play a role.
  • Experience trauma, depression, violence, or injury during pregnancy. High stress causes the release of hormones that trigger contractions and preterm birth.
  • Body weight is less or more than normal before becoming pregnant.
  • Take diethylstilboestrol (DES) medicine while pregnant.
  • Aged less than 17 or more than 35 years during pregnancy.
  • Using an IUD contraception when experiencing conception and the IUD is still in its position while pregnant.
  • Your type of work involves heavy physical activity.
  • Bleeding several times during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester.
  • If you feel you have one or more risk factors for a premature baby, you should immediately talk to your obstetrician for more intensive treatment to prevent premature labor.

If you feel you have one or more risk factors for premature births as discussed above, you should immediately talk to your obstetrician for more intensive treatment.
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The Challenge of Baby Beds

The Challenge of Baby Beds: Having a baby is the most beautiful experience a woman can have because it is the fulfillment of the biological functions of a female species. After the birth process, the actual work begins. Feeding bottles, changing diapers, immunization notes are just a few things new mothers must learn quickly. And one important thing to consider in the arrival of a baby is the type of baby bed he will use. According to Dr. Mark Brandenburg (, the number one rule that must be followed in choosing the right baby bed for your precious baby is security. The second rule says safety and the third rule emphasize security. We must conclude that it is not enough to say it, it must be stressed that baby beds are very important for the comfort of the baby.
The Challenge of Baby Beds
The Challenge of Baby Beds
In his article on how to find the perfect baby bed, it shouldn't be too hard or too soft. In the past, sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS was associated with very soft baby beds. This occurs when the baby's mattress is too soft so that the nose and mouth are closed and the air exhaled is the air he breathes. This is dangerous for him because he will breathe carbon dioxide rather than oxygen and the effect can cause drowsiness, coma or even death.

There are many styles and styles in choosing a baby bed. And with that, it means that the baby cot must be very suitable with the chosen equipment. The three main choices are: crib, cradle or cradle. What distinguishes one from another? The cradle is a longitude shaped basket that serves as a bed for babies. But sometimes, round bassinet is also available. Baby cots are beds that are flanked by high side bars for the safety of babies or young children. Baby beds are usually more economical because babies can use them from babies to two years. While the cradle is a small low bed used by babies who have rocking chairs. In all of this, the materials used to make equipment must be vigilant and signal to the mother how many safety precautions are needed.
The Challenge of Baby Beds

Bassinets are usually lace and full of decoration. The baby bed must fit the basket so that the baby's room is enough for him to be able to roll from side to side. The cradle is usually square, so the mattress can be fitted according to the size of the crib. Baby bedding is usually a set of blankets and small pillows. Hotdog pillows can also be placed inside. However, the pillow should be no more than two or three so the baby cannot stand on it and can fall. Cradles can come in various sizes and shapes. Some mothers prefer to lull so that when the baby is fussy, it can be swung to calm down. The baby bed for the cradle must follow its shape. There is not much that can be put in it because it is used primarily to shake the baby to sleep. However, a person does not need three to keep the baby safe, warm and safe. One will be done and this will depend on the preferences of the parents. The most preferred is the cradle because it can be used for a long time.

Now that we've discussed basic equipment, how do we equip it with baby cots? We have determined that baby cots must be suitable for sleeping equipment to avoid accidents and other adverse incidents. The most suitable material to use is cotton because it absorbs and cools the baby's skin. Different designs must be used to stimulate recognition of baby's colors and patterns. Therefore, baby bedding is an important factor in keeping a baby happy and healthy.
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Tips for Overcoming Fart Frequent Babies

Tips for Overcoming Fart Frequent Babies: A natural thing if babies often fart. Because the baby is able to dispose of gas up to 13-20 times a day. This is more common in babies aged 2-3 months. To help him feel more comfortable, there are several ways you can do it.
Tips for Overcoming Fart Frequent Babies
Tips for Overcoming Fart Frequent Babies
Frequent farting is the effect of the amount of gas or air that is swallowed by a baby, for example during feeding, sucking on a pacifier, or when crying. This condition is actually normal and harmless, but can cause the baby to be uncomfortable due to bloating. There are several ways you can do it to make it feel better.

Babies often fart from swallowing a lot of air can also experience bloating. This will make your little one feel uncomfortable, and sometimes become fussy. To overcome this and make him feel better, Mother and Father can do the following methods:

1. Help the baby to belch
Belching makes the gas in the body decrease. The best way to help baby belch is to gently rub or pat his back. Do this while carrying your little one on your shoulder or laying it down on your mother or father's lap. If you don't go belching, lay your baby in a supine position for a few minutes, then repeat the steps.

3. Make sure the suckling baby is in the right position
Make sure the position of the little head is higher than his stomach when he is feeding, both directly from the mother's nipple and from the milk bottle. Use a hand or pillow to support it. Also make sure the position of the bottle is tilted up so that no air is trapped in the dot.

The correct suckling position makes it easier for milk to go down to the stomach and accidentally ingested air can come out. This will also make it easier for babies to belch.

3. Gentle massage
Lay your little one on the bed in a supine position, gently massage his stomach, then move his legs like a cycling motion. If necessary, bathe your child with warm water. These steps can make it easier for the baby to expel excess air from the digestive tract.

Babies often fart is generally not a dangerous condition. But Mother and Father still need to be vigilant, because sometimes this condition also indicates a health problem, especially if accompanied by the following symptoms:

Fever. Immediately check your child to the doctor if his body temperature reaches 38 ° Celsius or more, especially if he is under three months old.
Very fussy and difficult to calm down.
Looks sick or has colic.
No bowel movements, vomiting, or blood stools.

These symptoms can indicate the baby often farting due to indigestion. So if Mother or Father sees the Little One experiencing it, immediately bring her to the pediatrician for examination.
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How to Teach Babies to Swim According to Age

How to Teach Babies to Swim According to Age: There are various benefits that can be obtained from teaching babies to swim. Besides being able to increase the closeness between babies and parents, swimming can also affect the intelligence and confidence of babies.
How to Teach Babies to Swim According to Age
How to Teach Babies to Swim According to Age
Although the baby's feet and hands automatically move when entering into the pool, it does not mean it is easy to teach babies to swim. You have to know what needs to be considered so that the safety is maintained, because the baby has not been able to hold his breath and raise his head to the water well.

In addition to noticing the safety of swimming pools, teaching babies to swim also requires special tricks. The following is how to teach babies to swim based on their age:

1. Infants aged 6-18 months
Teaching babies to swim can be done as early as possible. But the most recommended time is when he is six months old. As a first step, try splashing pool water into the baby's body to make it adapt to water. Let the baby explore the water and feel comfortable in the water.

Teach the baby to do the kicking and pulling the legs as basic movements. Next, you can introduce mouth movements to blow air bubbles.

Another fun activity for this age is to make it glide and float in the water on its supine position. In order for babies to enjoy playing in the water more, invite movement activities to glide in several different directions.

2. Infants aged 18 months to 3 years
At this age, babies can be taught to kick or paddle their arms. When you are close to three years old, you can teach him to hold his breath, let him in and out of the shallow swimming pool, and do more varied games.

Games that are suitable for babies at this age, including playing ball throwing or pretending to be a train by walking in the water along the edge of the pool. This game is effective in stimulating the baby to move and paddle his arm to swim.

To practice his ability to dive, you can ask him to pick up objects at the bottom of a shallow pool. These games can be an effective way to teach babies to swim.

3. For babies aged 3-5 years
When your baby is older or has entered the age range of 3-5 years, activities in teaching babies to swim can already be more varied. Teach him to move his legs and arms to push his body to move forward in the water. Teach also how to float, both floating on your back or on your stomach.

At this age, children can be taught to be careful in swimming pools. Give the understanding that walking by the pool without adult supervision is dangerous.

Parents can teach babies to swim directly or register them for swimming learning classes. But don't forget, pay attention to the cleanliness of the swimming pool, because babies are still susceptible to infection with germs or viruses.

If necessary, ask your pediatrician first if your child's health condition makes it possible to start learning to swim. This is important, especially if your child has a history of congenital heart disease, asthma, or epilepsy.
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Effective Steps for Caring for Baby Teeth

Effective Steps for Caring for Baby Teeth: Maintaining dental health of important children starts as early as possible. You can start treating children's teeth when they are babies. Caring for your teeth from infancy will greatly affect the health of your teeth and mouth to adulthood.
Effective Steps for Caring for Baby Teeth
Effective Steps for Caring for Baby Teeth

Parents may wonder when is the right time to brush baby teeth? The answer is since his first tooth appeared, which is around the age of 6 months. When the teeth have not yet appeared, you can simply clean the baby's gums by gently wiping them using a clean gauze or cloth dipped in warm water.

There are many ways you can take care of your baby's teeth, from self-care at home to a dentist's examination. The following are the ways and Effective Steps for Caring for Baby Teeth that you can do, along with the explanation:

1. Brushing your baby's teeth properly
When a baby starts teething, you can brush his teeth with a toothbrush that is specifically designed for babies. As for toothpaste, use toothpaste containing fluoride and apply only as much as a grain of rice to the brush section. Brush your baby's teeth inside and out, gently 2 times a day.

2. Don't let the baby sleep with a milk bottle in his mouth
This method is the most important way to prevent damage to baby teeth. When you let your baby sleep with a milk bottle still in his mouth, milk will collect and cause damage to the teeth. The use of milk bottles should also be stopped when a child is 1 year old.

3. Eat healthy food every day
When your child starts eating, make it a habit to eat healthy foods. Avoid foods that contain lots of sugar, because it can cause tooth decay. In addition, do not forget to give water to your baby after eating, to rinse leftover food that is still stuck to his teeth.

4. Conduct an examination to the dentist
Most parents take their children to the dentist only when their teeth are hollow and sore. However, this is not true. When the baby's teeth start to grow, you also need to check with the dentist. By carrying out routine checks, the dentist can monitor and assess the baby's teeth growth. You can also consult with a dentist about how to prevent cavities.

Caring for baby teeth since their first teeth appear is important to prevent tooth decay. If you instill the habit of caring for teeth in children from an early age, it will be carried to adulthood. That way, they can continue to smile broadly with clean and healthy teeth.
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