6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin

6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin: Newborn skin is still sensitive and prone to irritation. Therefore, do not let Mother wrong in doing baby skin care. Here are some tricks for caring for newborn skin that you can do.
6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin
6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin
Newborn skin should not be in contact with chemicals, detergents and fragrances. In fact, not all types of baby skin care products can be used. This is because the skin condition of a newborn baby is still very sensitive, and the immune system is also still weak, so it is prone to rashes or irritations on the skin.

To maintain and care for newborn skin, here are some tricks you can do:

1. Don't take a shower too often
At this time, the baby's body is not so dirty that it is not necessary to bathe it often. Bathing more than three times a week can erode natural oil levels on the surface of the skin. In fact, the oil serves to keep the baby's skin moist.

Until the age of 1 month or more, the mother is enough to clean the body of the Little One by wiping the surface of the skin using a wet towel, 2-3 times a week.

Especially for the mouth and genital area, you can clean with a little water or add special cleansing soap for babies. Avoid using bar soap or soaking the baby in soapy water. Choose liquid soap made from soft to keep the skin moist.

2. Take care of the scalp
The scalp of a newborn usually looks dry or flaking like dandruff. In more severe conditions, the baby's scalp can be filled with patches of skin hardening like yellow, thick, and oily scales.

This condition is harmless and can usually disappear on its own after several months. The mother can scrape the scales by washing her hair every day using a special baby shampoo.

Gently massage the baby's head to help shed the scales, then comb the hair using a baby comb so that the scales can be released. After that, rinse the head with clean water.

3. Keep skin moist
It is recommended to apply fragrance-free moisturizer to the baby's skin after bathing, to prevent the skin from drying out. Creamy moisturizing products are preferred over lotions.

4. Prevent diaper rash
Diaper rash is a very common thing for babies. To prevent this from happening, Mother is advised to change her diaper often when it is wet or dirty from feces.

In addition, for the Little Thigh's fold to not be irritated, Mother can apply petroleum jelly and leave it to dry before putting on a diaper.

5. Protect from direct sunburn
Morning sun exposure is good for meeting vitamin D needs in infants. But remember, avoid direct sunlight exposure to newborns. Keep wearing clothes on your little one and use an umbrella or hat for additional protection.

6. Choose special baby detergents
Given that baby's skin is still sensitive, you also need to be careful when choosing detergents when washing your baby's clothes. We recommend that you choose detergents that do not contain fragrances and dyes, for the safety of your little one.

Caring for newborn skin requires patience and caution because the skin is still thin and sensitive. You can do the above methods to help minimize the risk of irritation to your baby's skin. If your skin is irritated, you should consult your pediatrician to get safe treatment.
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Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants

Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants: The immune system is not perfect, making babies susceptible to various diseases, including colds. There are around 200 types of viruses that can cause colds in infants. How to deal with colds in babies correctly?
Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants
Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants
Colds in babies are characterized by the discharge of snot or clear fluid from the nose, which can turn yellowish or greenish after one week. It may be accompanied by coughing or a slight fever. Generally babies still want to eat or play normally.

Actions that can be done at home
The discharge of snot during a cold, is actually a way to get rid of germs in the body. However, if there are too many snot coming out of the nose, it can interfere with the baby's breathing.

Here are some ways to relieve the symptoms of a cold in a baby that parents can do at home:
  • Place the baby in a room without air conditioning to reduce congestion. If the baby is more comfortable in an AC room, use an air humidifier or use hot water. You can add essential oils like menthol.
  • If the cold in the baby is very disturbing, dilute the mucus with salt water which is dripped onto the tip of the baby's nostrils. Then, use a baby snot to clean the nose.
  • Gently pat the baby's back to help alleviate the blocked stuffing. Lay the baby on his stomach on his knees or let the baby sit on his lap by leaning forward.
  • To avoid irritation, you can apply petroleum jelly on the outside of the nostrils.
  • Clean nasal fluid or mucus that hardens on the baby's nose. Use cotton wool moistened with warm water.
  • You can provide warm tea for babies over the age of 6 months. This can help relieve nasal congestion.

Don't Greetings
Colds that do not interfere with the baby's diet or baby activities, do not require special measures or baby cold medication. Avoid using over-the-counter drugs in children under the age of 6 because of possible dangerous side effects. It is better if the medicines given are always under the supervision of a doctor.

If the baby has a fever, then consult a doctor about the possibility of giving paracetamol or ibuprofen. Never give aspirin to babies because it can risk causing dangerous side effects.

Conditions to watch out for
Although a cold is one of the common diseases experienced by babies, but there are several conditions that make parents need to be vigilant and immediately consult with a doctor, including:
  • Colds that are accompanied by cough and fever are more than 39 degrees Celsius in children under 3 months, or fever reaches more than 40 degrees Celsius in children over 3 months.
  • Fever lasts more than two days.
  • Watery eyes or eye feces.
  • Coughing gets worse or accompanied by rapid breathing, wheezing sounds when the baby breathes.
  • Significant changes in diet or sleep, often drowsy or fussy.
  • Babies cry when they suckle while rubbing or pulling their ears, and crying when they are put on the bed.
  • Colds don't improve after 7-10 days

Infants with imperfect immune systems are at risk of experiencing various diseases. Therefore, colds in infants accompanied by severe symptoms must be watched out. Consult a doctor for appropriate and safe handling of the baby.

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Causes of Premature Babies

Causes of Premature Babies: Women with certain diseases and habits are thought to have a tendency to premature delivery. Called premature birth baby, before 37 weeks of gestation in the mother's womb.
Causes of Premature Babies
Causes of Premature Babies
Premature birth can be caused by various factors that are often difficult to predict. Babies born prematurely, especially those born before reaching the age of 32 weeks, often experience various health problems.

Some factors that can trigger premature birth babies include:

1. Infection
Some cases of premature birth are caused by bacterial infections of the reproductive system and urinary tract. The bacteria secrete substances that can weaken the membranes around the amniotic sac and cause the membranes to rupture earlier. These bacteria can also cause inflammation and infection in the uterus, even when the membranes that cover the uterus are still intact. This condition causes babies to be born prematurely.

As for infections that can cause premature births, including:
  • Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.
  • Urinary tract infections or asymptomatic bacteriuria are generally not accompanied by symptoms, so urine tests are needed to detect bacteria.
Especially for those who have previously experienced preterm labor, you should undergo a checkup and treatment for bacterial vaginosis to reduce the risk of preterm birth.

2. Certain diseases or conditions
People with certain diseases such as diabetes, kidney problems, high blood pressure, anemia during pregnancy, are more at risk of developing preterm labor.

In addition, problems in the placenta such as placenta previa or placental abruption can also make a baby born prematurely. Placenta previa is a condition when the placenta is embedded too close to the cervix or cervix.

Patients with placenta previa are prone to severe bleeding so often require a caesarean section. Abruptio placenta or placental abruption is a condition when the placenta begins to separate from the uterine wall before the baby is born. This condition can endanger the life of the mother and baby.

Having a cervical structure that is less than 2.5 cm, or a cervix that opens and closes without contractions can also cause preterm birth. This abnormal condition of the cervix can occur from birth or due to cervical surgery.

Having surgery in the abdominal cavity during pregnancy, for example due to inflammation of the appendix or gallstones, also increases the risk of the baby being born prematurely.

3. Lifestyle
Daily bad habits can also trigger premature babies like:
  • Smoking during pregnancy
  • Take alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Lack of consuming nutritious foods.

4. Other risk factors
There are several other specific conditions that make a woman more at risk of premature delivery, including:
  • Contain more than one baby.
  • Pregnant with a distance of less than six months from a previous pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy through IVF.
  • Have had an abortion or miscarriage several times.
  • Some preterm labor tends to also occur in pregnant women who have blood relations with women who have experienced it first. In this case, genetic factors can be considered to play a role.
  • Experience trauma, depression, violence, or injury during pregnancy. High stress causes the release of hormones that trigger contractions and preterm birth.
  • Body weight is less or more than normal before becoming pregnant.
  • Take diethylstilboestrol (DES) medicine while pregnant.
  • Aged less than 17 or more than 35 years during pregnancy.
  • Using an IUD contraception when experiencing conception and the IUD is still in its position while pregnant.
  • Your type of work involves heavy physical activity.
  • Bleeding several times during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester.
  • If you feel you have one or more risk factors for a premature baby, you should immediately talk to your obstetrician for more intensive treatment to prevent premature labor.

If you feel you have one or more risk factors for premature births as discussed above, you should immediately talk to your obstetrician for more intensive treatment.
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Baby Boomer Determined and Impacts on Society

Baby Boomer Determined and Impacts on Society: At present, there are countries that are considered overpopulated. This is caused by increasing birth rates in various places, although there are ways to control births. Babies born after World War II, when economic prosperity reached its peak, were called Baby Boomers. The exact years covered were from 1946 to 1964.
Baby Boomer Determined and Impacts on Society
Baby Boomer Determined and Impacts on Society
You might be wondering what caused this boom. After the war, all cities and places affected were all given increased goods and services. The US also helps other economies by supplying goods to rebuild their economies. This resulted in unprecedented economic growth that lasted for years and only slowed down in 1958.

In addition, many people are also given the opportunity to go to college. And with increasing bachelor degree holders, the opportunity to get high-paying jobs increases. Many families benefit from this economic growth, and with higher income, they can meet the needs of many children. And so many babies are born within this period of time.

What most parents don't know is that these babies will soon grow up as dominant and rebel individuals. But this does not mean that baby boomers are all bad. It's just that the majority of the group consists of people like this but there are also people who love peace and observe the social norms of society.
What are baby boomers? There are many definitions and almost every definition is acceptable. In most cases, baby boomers are identified because of their characteristics; but most of the time, it is based on the year they were born.
Baby Boomer Determined and Impacts on Society

Baby boomers are further divided into boomers and shadow boomers. Boomers are babies born from 1945 to 1957 while shadow boomers or echo boomers were born from 1958 to 1963.

During those years, around 79 million baby boomers were born. Babies born during this important period have different cultural and political patterns. There are still many arguments about the right years, and this has to do with other generations, called 'x' generations.

Baby boomers are often difficult to understand; and that's why baby boomers and their parents have a generation gap. There are gaps because boomers and parents differ in experience, habits, opinions, and behavior.

In the 1960s, great cultural differences between the baby boomer generation and their parents included musical tastes, drug use, fashion, and politics. Baby boomers have great power because of their large numbers so they get influence, and strength. They are also not afraid to rebel against established social norms.

Baby boomers are able to create a generation of identity, and they were even recognized by Time magazine as 'man of the year' in 1966. They are famous for the slogan 'don't trust anyone above 30'; and this is probably because of the gap made between them and parents.

This particular generation is not afraid to rebel against society. They love rock music, young men grow their hair, young activists dominate during protests, increasing drug use, and sexual revolutions are just a few things baby boomers like to do. Many parents hate this kind of action but because of the many young baby boomers, they can do nothing.

Then there is a cultural war called between the boomers and the 'x' generation. They constantly accuse each other of moral crackdowns, sold out ideas, undisciplined behavior, and wild explosions. But both generations are able to make a sign in history.

Baby boomers will grow old. And soon, they will realize the value of life that their parents are trying to teach them. Baby boomers aren't too bad. Sometimes it has something to do with the community where they live. As young people, it is only natural that they want to be recognized and accepted. They are strict and do whatever they like.

This may be due to the fact that they can enjoy a prosperous life, with fewer worries due to widespread economic growth. Baby boomers are a part of history, and they are here to stay.
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Invitation to Baby Shower

Invitation to Baby Shower: When it comes to baby showers, making creative baby shower invitations is one of the best ways to set the atmosphere and event mode. This can be very funny especially if it aims to invite friends and relatives to celebrate with prospective parents in rejoicing over the arrival of a new baby.
Invitation to Baby Shower
Invitation to Baby Shower
In fact, most people argue that baby shower invitations are the most important thing in a baby shower because no one will know about celebrations if not for that. Therefore, the party will never succeed if there are no baby shower invitations to guide guests and host parties.

Pretty good, finding baby shower invitation ideas is no longer difficult lately. This is because advances in technology have provided the best service for humanity that is truly valuable. Simply put, you can now find hundreds of baby shower invitation ideas if you are only going to surf the Internet.

In this way, you will have many ideas to choose from and produce perfect ideas for baby showers. Certain sites on baby shower invitations not only give you themed ideas or other concerns of the invitation, but also offer some practical tips about other aspects of the baby shower party.

Generally, people who usually arrange baby showers use the theme of the public baby shower invitation. This is because in most cases the sex of the baby is unknown.
Invitation to Baby Shower

That is why other aspects of baby shower invitations, which should not be taken for granted, are words. This is the person responsible for organizing the party atmosphere.

Today, you can find many online tools about the choice of baby shower invitation words. You can find it as a quote or as a literary work like poetry. Make sure that before you decide on the final product, don't forget to read proof of word reading and spelling or typos to avoid possible problems.

Whatever you want, you just have to be very careful about your words so that you get the best results you want. Best of all, careful choice of words will be a safer technique for not hurting or insulting prospective parents.

Also, when making baby shower invitations, don't forget to include important details from the party and to whom the invitation was intended. These things are considered as the core of the invitation.

For this reason, it is important to note the name of the guest of honor, date, time and place of the party. It is important to show whether the party will be a surprise or not so guests will not be confused about the actual motives of the celebration. Don't forget to include RSVP with the date and telephone number included.

Finally, make an invitation to distribute baby shower invitations 4 to 6 weeks in advance. This will give guests enough time to improve their schedule and find time for the celebration. In this way, it is better to make the invitation early so that there will be enough time for small adjustments, if needed.

Indeed, making baby shower invitations can be a daunting task, with all the preparation, research, and everything. But the most important thing is that these invitations are the ones who will start the celebration idea, therefore, the invitation must be taken care of properly.
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Caring for Your Baby Using a Video Baby Monitor

Caring for Your Baby Using a Video Baby Monitor: Your baby is the most valuable creature in your life. And because babies cannot take care of themselves, you are responsible for giving them the love, attention, and security they need. Sadly, even though that is your top priority, there are still other things in the priority list that you need to pay attention to. So how do you continue your daily activities without sacrificing the quality of safety, love, and care that you need to give your baby? You can use a baby video monitor.
Caring for Your Baby Using a Video Baby Monitor
Caring for Your Baby Using a Video Baby Monitor
Baby Monitor
Basically, a baby monitor is a device that parents can use to be able to observe their baby even though they are not in the same room. The simplest baby monitor uses a simplex transmitter and receiver system. In the nursery, a transmitter device with a microphone is installed while the parents have a receiving device with loudspeakers. Any sound made by babies in the room will be transmitted directly to devices held by parents. If something is wrong, parents will know it.

But the baby monitor is far away. At present, various baby monitors have been developed which utilize not only sound but also images. A good example of this is a baby video monitor.

Monitor baby videos using a camera, not just an ordinary transmitter with a microphone device. A camera or a number of cameras are installed in the nursery and video feeds are sent directly to the TV or LCD receiver.

This video device can be a wired or wireless device. The most basic application of a wired baby video monitor is to provide video feed directly from the baby's room to the parent's room. This is most useful during parents' sleeping hours. With a baby video monitor installed, you can continue to monitor your baby without having to stand up and go to your baby in the next room.

However wireless video baby monitors have a greater usage scope. Because wireless, you can go anywhere around the house while carrying an LCD monitor to track the status of your baby. You can be in the kitchen or in the garden and can still keep an eye on your baby because you are not bound by wire. It is important to know that this device also has a range.

Special features
Some baby video monitors have special features. This is mostly based on the manufacturer and provider of your baby monitor.

One of the great features of some baby video monitors is the ability of night vision. When the night is turned off, you can continue to monitor your baby. Low lighting environments and dark rooms are not a problem with the help of night vision features.

Another special feature provided by some baby video monitors is the baby cam feature. By using the Internet, parents will be able to track their babies. A few simple clicks on the computer and baby cam can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

This is most useful for parents who have to go to the office and leave the baby with a babysitter or caregiver. Even at work, you can continue to monitor the welfare of your child.

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Choosing a Baby Shower Game

Choosing a Baby Shower Game: To make baby showers more entertaining for guests, you can prepare small games that can be attended by some volunteers or all guests. This can be done as a conversation opener or when the mother opens the gift. After someone wins the game, you can prepare a small token as their gift. This token doesn't have to be expensive; it can be a chocolate bar, a candle, or anything to remind the winner of his participation in the game.
Choosing a Baby Shower Game
Choosing a Baby Shower Game
When choosing baby shower games, make sure you have chosen something that will appeal to your guests. Research about the background and age of guests because these are factors where you can judge whether they will enjoy the baby shower game or not. As much as possible, choose games that will require interaction between guests, especially if you list guests including family members, and various groups of friends who might not know each other.

After considering the people on the guest list, you might want to consider the baby shower games listed below.

1. Mommies and Babies Games
This game is better if followed by younger guests. The host will read a list of animals that the participants will name baby animals.

To make this game more entertaining, you can take pictures of animals in the pile. Participants can choose the right picture, say the name of the mother and baby animal and imitate the sound of the animal.

2. Mother Goose Game
You can play this baby shower game by all guests. Prepare several lines of different children's poems. The host will read this line for the guests but with the word omitted. Guests will try to guess what words are missing in children's poems. The person who calls the most correct answer wins.

3. Baby Memory Game
Prepare a tray of baby items that you will show guests for 15 to 30 seconds. After that, ask guests to write the items they remember. The person who most remembers the item will win this baby shower game.

4. Baby Food Game
Prepare this baby shower game by buying several types of baby food and remove the label and replace the lid with opaque paper. Give the jar number for reference.

Ask guests to identify baby food by kissing or tasting. The person who has made the most correct guess wins the baby shower game.

5. Fun facts
This is done only if guests know, or are at least familiar with each other. After arriving at the baby shower party, ask guests to write the fact that only a few people know. This may be hidden talent, previous work, or film appearance. They dropped paper into a jar along with someone else's paper.

During the game, they will take a piece of paper and try to guess who the person is pictured. You can also modify the game by asking the host to read each fact and ask all guests to try to guess it.

With this baby shower game, you can make your guests interact with each other and you can make them not bored. You can make original games as long as you consider the background, number and age of your participants.
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