How to Recognize the Characteristics of a Healthy Baby

How to Recognize the Characteristics of a Healthy Baby: Generally the assessment of healthy babies is seen from their weight. However, increasing body weight in infants is not the only benchmark for a healthy baby's condition. There are several other important signs that you recognize as a feature of a healthy baby.
How to Recognize the Characteristics of a Healthy Baby
How to Recognize the Characteristics of a Healthy Baby
Fat babies do look adorable, and often become a benchmark for healthy babies, but not necessarily. The condition of a healthy baby can be measured by a variety of things. Starting from increasing the baby's weight, to social abilities in interacting with others. To determine whether the baby is in a healthy state, the condition of the baby needs to be considered from various sides.

Here's how you can recognize the characteristics of a healthy baby:

1. Experiencing weight gain
Weight gain is indeed a sign that babies are growing healthy. Gradually, the baby's weight will continue to grow with age. You should check your health regularly with your doctor to find out the growth and development properly, including information on weight gain. From birth to age 6 months, the expected increase in baby's weight ranges from 150-200 grams per week, and 85-140 grams per week for infants aged 6-12 months.

2. Calm down when you are near your parents
The crying intensity of newborns is fairly frequent, because crying is one of the easiest ways of communication for babies. When a baby cries, give a soft touch and invite the baby to talk as if he was still in the womb. This can make the baby feel more calm because he knows you are beside him. The attitude of a baby who begins to calm down while near you, can also be a sign that the baby is healthy because his emotional development is well developed.

3. Interested in the world around him
When a new baby is born, at least 16 hours of time is only spent sleeping and every 2 hours to suckle. This habit will change with age. When entering the age of 1 month, the baby has started to wake up often and began to be interested in what is around him. He will look silent and start paying attention to the face or the object you are holding. Actually babies are trying to get to know the new world and digest the new information they see. This baby's attraction occurs when his eye muscles begin to be controlled and see things more clearly.

4. Listen to the sound that is heard
Actually healthy babies can hear from birth, but it takes several weeks for them to filter out the sounds they hear. When the hearing has begun to develop, the baby will begin to choose which sounds attract his attention and not. Brother or father's voice that laughs cheerfully and the sound of music, the possibility of sound that can attract the baby's attention. If you see a baby reacting to certain sounds and looking for a source of sound, this is a sign that his hearing is working well.

5. Can interact with other people
Infants aged 1 month, can already make eye contact with other people, including imitating some of the movements that you do. The ability of this healthy baby will continue to grow. Then in a 2-month-old baby, he starts smiling when invited to talk or joke. At the age of 4 months, the baby's development has reached the stage of responding with a laugh expression. Then when he stepped on 7 months, you will find the Little One can interact with other babies, such as grabbing something that is held or imitating the sound of another baby. All interactions carried out by the baby are a sign of a healthy baby and are more familiar with the conditions of the surrounding environment.

6. Babies can hold their own weight
At the age of 1 month, generally healthy babies can hold their own head even if only briefly. Then the baby is 3 months old, the ability to lift the head will develop. When this is done, the baby's muscles are actually stretching to develop. This stage is the stage of development of the baby before being able to lie on his stomach, roll over, sit and also stand.

Healthy babies tend to have growth stages that continue to grow with age. You as a parent must support the stage of growth and development with nutrition and stimulation to maintain the health of the baby. If necessary, consult a pediatrician to monitor the growth of a healthy baby.
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Solution So that Your Little One Doesn't Always Eat Food

Solution So that Your Little One Doesn't Always Eat Food: The habit of children eating food often makes parents annoyed and worried. If left unchecked, this habit can damage the teeth and increase the risk of choking, even fearing can reduce the amount of nutritional intake.

However, don't worry too much, Mother. There are several ways that can be done so that children no longer eat food. These methods can also make your Little One's meal time a long-awaited moment.
Solution So that Your Little One Doesn't Always Eat Food
Solution So that Your Little One Doesn't Always Eat Food
Possible Causes of Children Snoring Food
Without realizing it, the habit of the little one eating food is often caused by parents, you know. For example, when parents give too much food in one bite.

This is because parents are usually only oriented to the amount of food given. Though maybe this amount has exceeded the ability of the Little Mouth to hold and chew food.

In addition to parents' habits, the habit of eating food in children can also be caused by things that interfere with their concentration to eat. For example, cartoons on television, gadgets, or playing activities.

Another thing that can cause children to eat food is the taste of food that is tasteless and not varied, or when the child has just been given food with a texture that is more difficult to chew.

Various ways to stop the habit of children snacking on food
If your child often eats food, you can do the following ways to deal with it:

1. Give your child the freedom to choose food
If possible, invite your little one when shopping for groceries. Free him to choose foods that attract his attention. For example, foods with beautiful colors, or with the taste they like. However, make sure the food chosen by Little One has sufficient nutrition to meet their needs, Mother.

2. Eat with other family members
One simple way you can do to overcome the habit of the little one is often to eat food is to invite him to eat with other family members. In addition, try to limit the duration of your baby's meal, a maximum of 30 minutes.

3. Create a pleasant dining atmosphere
In addition to eating with other family members, Mother also needs to make mealtime a pleasant moment. For example, while inviting Little One to play guesswork or other simple games. Also make sure you don't force Mother when feeding her food.

4. Give food in small portions
Give the little food a small portion, but with a more frequent duration. Especially if the little one looks often difficult to spend the usual portion of food you give to him.

In addition, try giving food in various forms, for example foods that are solid and liquid. However, make sure you provide solid food first.

Do the above methods consistently in training your Little One to no longer eat food. Try to stay patient and find the most suitable way for him.

If your child is still used to eating food while eating, and this habit has disrupted his activities, even his physical condition, you should consult your pediatrician to get the best treatment recommendations.
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Causes and Ways to Overcome Late Walking Children

Causes and Ways to Overcome Late Walking Children: The Little One's first step is one of the important stages of development that Mother and Father are waiting for. If the child runs late, parents will certainly feel worried. Come on, find out the causes and how to overcome them.

In general, children have started to stand up and do the first step between the ages of 8-18 months. At that age, the child will walk by creeping on the items around him.
Causes and Ways to Overcome Late Walking Children
Causes and Ways to Overcome Late Walking Children

Possible Causes of Late Children Walking
The delay in walking in children is usually caused by the following:
  • Mother has an infection during pregnancy
  • Premature birth
  • Too often carried
  • Suffering from serious illness
  • Experiencing congenital physical abnormalities
  • Lack of nutrition
  • Late motor system maturity
  • The habit of using a baby walker

Parents should check the child's condition to the doctor if up to the age of 18 months the child cannot walk, the child only walks with the tip of his foot (tiptoe), one foot movement is different from the other foot (limp), or there is an abnormality in the child's foot shape.

Various Ways to Overcome Late Walking Children
To overcome the problem of children running late, there are several ways that parents can do, namely:

1. Invite children to walk by guiding them
The first way you can do if your child is running late is by holding his hands together and guiding him to walk.

Position the child standing facing forward, then hold both hands from behind, and help the child to slowly move. This method is useful to strengthen muscles and train the child's body balance to start walking.

2. Limit the duration of carrying a child
Carrying a child is indeed a very pleasant moment for parents. But for the good of the Little One, you should not be too often or too long for your mother and father.

Instead, let Little One play on the floor. That way, he will be stimulated to start standing, propagating, and finally walking.

3. Place the toy in a distant position
Putting toys in a distant position can also encourage children to walk. Whereas to make the Little One want to stand up, Mother and Father can invite him to play in a standing position.

4. Let the barefoot child in the room
Try to make it a habit for your little one to move around barefoot indoors. This is useful for training his body balance when standing. Mother and Father can also buy toys that can be encouraged by the little one to practice walking.

5. Avoid using baby walkers
Some parents may think that baby walkers can stimulate children to walk. However, did Mother and Father know that the use of baby walkers is actually not recommended to train children to walk?

This is because baby walkers can actually cause children to experience delays in walking, while also increasing the risk of injury to children.

The above methods can help Mother and Father to stimulate and train children to walk. But before doing so, first make sure the area inside the house is safe and free of items that could endanger the Little One.

Keep in mind, the speed of development of each child is different, including in terms of walking. But if Mother and Father are worried, it never hurts to check your little one to a pediatrician.

The doctor will examine the physical condition and assess the child's motoric ability, find out the cause of the delay in walking, and advise on appropriate measures to overcome the problem.

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How to Overcome Bloating Stomach in Babies

How to Overcome Bloating Stomach in Babies: Flatulence in infants can be a cause of frequent fuss. Get to know the signs and know how to overcome them.

Flatulence in babies makes the baby uncomfortable so he becomes fussy and often cries for no reason. Actually, flatulence in infants up to 3 months is a natural thing, because the digestive tract is not functioning properly. As you get older, babies can also experience flatulence because they are starting to try different foods for the first time.
How to Overcome Bloating Stomach in Babies
How to Overcome Bloating Stomach in Babies
Bloated Stomach Signs in Babies
In the digestive tract there is indeed gas or air. But the problem is if the gas in it is excessive. In older children or adults, the gas can be easily removed. But in infants, some cannot easily emit gas from their stomach and need help to get it out.

One sign of flatulence in infants is that babies begin to fuss and cry for no apparent reason. If that happens, try to examine the abdomen. If the baby's stomach feels a little hard, and several times throw away the wind, this is a sign that the baby is experiencing flatulence.

Besides being fussy and crying, pay attention to the baby's movements. If he often stretched and arched his back, and raised his legs, it could be a sign that he was feeling bloated.

Causes of Bloating Stomach in Infants
Flatulence in infants can be caused by several things. The following are some of the causes of flatulence in babies that you need to know.

1. Food consumed by the mother
The cause of flatulence in babies who still drink breast milk, can be caused by food consumed by the mother. So you need to pay more attention to the food you consume. We recommend that you reduce or avoid foods that will form gas after digestion, such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onions or potatoes.

2. Food consumed by babies
In babies aged 6 months who have started eating, you need to pay attention to the food. Vegetables are good for babies, but not all vegetables can be consumed in excess. For example broccoli. Although healthy, if consumed in excess, these vegetables can make your baby's stomach bloated.

3. Beverages other than breast milk
Babies are not recommended to drink drinks other than breast milk, formula milk and water. Juices can make babies experience diarrhea, abdominal pain and excess gas because the baby's digestive system is still difficult to digest the fruit sugar content or fructose contained in juice.

4. Baby pacifier
If your baby drinks formula milk from a baby bottle, you should be more careful in choosing the right pacifier. The tip of the pacifier that is too small can make more air into the baby's stomach when he is drinking milk, and can cause stomach problems, such as bloating or stomach ache. Some baby milk bottles are designed specifically to reduce the air entering the baby's mouth.

How to Overcome Bloating Stomach in Babies
There are several ways you can do to treat flatulence in infants, namely:
  • Place the baby on the bed in a supine position. Lift both legs and move like you're riding a bicycle. This movement can help remove gas from the baby's stomach.
  • Gently massage the baby's stomach with a clockwise motion. Just like the previous movement, this method can be done in a sleeping position.
  • Wipe your back by placing the baby on your thighs with your abdomen facing down or face down.
  • Feed the baby in a slightly upright position, so that the milk can slowly and smoothly enter the stomach so as not to cause stomach problems.
  • Feed the baby before he feels hungry. This can minimize the possibility of flatulence in infants due to colds. When the baby has cried hunger, he tends to swallow more wind along with the food.

Bloating in the baby can also be a sign of serious digestive problems, so if the baby is more fussy, it is difficult to defecate, vomit, or even have a fever, you should immediately contact a doctor.

You don't need to panic if your baby is fussy and his stomach feels hard due to bloating. Just do a number of ways that can prevent the appearance of flatulence in infants. But if your baby is very fussy and difficult to calm down, and shows other symptoms, you should consult this with your doctor.
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6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin

6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin: Newborn skin is still sensitive and prone to irritation. Therefore, do not let Mother wrong in doing baby skin care. Here are some tricks for caring for newborn skin that you can do.
6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin
6 Tricks for Caring for Newborn Skin
Newborn skin should not be in contact with chemicals, detergents and fragrances. In fact, not all types of baby skin care products can be used. This is because the skin condition of a newborn baby is still very sensitive, and the immune system is also still weak, so it is prone to rashes or irritations on the skin.

To maintain and care for newborn skin, here are some tricks you can do:

1. Don't take a shower too often
At this time, the baby's body is not so dirty that it is not necessary to bathe it often. Bathing more than three times a week can erode natural oil levels on the surface of the skin. In fact, the oil serves to keep the baby's skin moist.

Until the age of 1 month or more, the mother is enough to clean the body of the Little One by wiping the surface of the skin using a wet towel, 2-3 times a week.

Especially for the mouth and genital area, you can clean with a little water or add special cleansing soap for babies. Avoid using bar soap or soaking the baby in soapy water. Choose liquid soap made from soft to keep the skin moist.

2. Take care of the scalp
The scalp of a newborn usually looks dry or flaking like dandruff. In more severe conditions, the baby's scalp can be filled with patches of skin hardening like yellow, thick, and oily scales.

This condition is harmless and can usually disappear on its own after several months. The mother can scrape the scales by washing her hair every day using a special baby shampoo.

Gently massage the baby's head to help shed the scales, then comb the hair using a baby comb so that the scales can be released. After that, rinse the head with clean water.

3. Keep skin moist
It is recommended to apply fragrance-free moisturizer to the baby's skin after bathing, to prevent the skin from drying out. Creamy moisturizing products are preferred over lotions.

4. Prevent diaper rash
Diaper rash is a very common thing for babies. To prevent this from happening, Mother is advised to change her diaper often when it is wet or dirty from feces.

In addition, for the Little Thigh's fold to not be irritated, Mother can apply petroleum jelly and leave it to dry before putting on a diaper.

5. Protect from direct sunburn
Morning sun exposure is good for meeting vitamin D needs in infants. But remember, avoid direct sunlight exposure to newborns. Keep wearing clothes on your little one and use an umbrella or hat for additional protection.

6. Choose special baby detergents
Given that baby's skin is still sensitive, you also need to be careful when choosing detergents when washing your baby's clothes. We recommend that you choose detergents that do not contain fragrances and dyes, for the safety of your little one.

Caring for newborn skin requires patience and caution because the skin is still thin and sensitive. You can do the above methods to help minimize the risk of irritation to your baby's skin. If your skin is irritated, you should consult your pediatrician to get safe treatment.
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Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants

Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants: The immune system is not perfect, making babies susceptible to various diseases, including colds. There are around 200 types of viruses that can cause colds in infants. How to deal with colds in babies correctly?
Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants
Ways to Overcome Colds in Infants
Colds in babies are characterized by the discharge of snot or clear fluid from the nose, which can turn yellowish or greenish after one week. It may be accompanied by coughing or a slight fever. Generally babies still want to eat or play normally.

Actions that can be done at home
The discharge of snot during a cold, is actually a way to get rid of germs in the body. However, if there are too many snot coming out of the nose, it can interfere with the baby's breathing.

Here are some ways to relieve the symptoms of a cold in a baby that parents can do at home:
  • Place the baby in a room without air conditioning to reduce congestion. If the baby is more comfortable in an AC room, use an air humidifier or use hot water. You can add essential oils like menthol.
  • If the cold in the baby is very disturbing, dilute the mucus with salt water which is dripped onto the tip of the baby's nostrils. Then, use a baby snot to clean the nose.
  • Gently pat the baby's back to help alleviate the blocked stuffing. Lay the baby on his stomach on his knees or let the baby sit on his lap by leaning forward.
  • To avoid irritation, you can apply petroleum jelly on the outside of the nostrils.
  • Clean nasal fluid or mucus that hardens on the baby's nose. Use cotton wool moistened with warm water.
  • You can provide warm tea for babies over the age of 6 months. This can help relieve nasal congestion.

Don't Greetings
Colds that do not interfere with the baby's diet or baby activities, do not require special measures or baby cold medication. Avoid using over-the-counter drugs in children under the age of 6 because of possible dangerous side effects. It is better if the medicines given are always under the supervision of a doctor.

If the baby has a fever, then consult a doctor about the possibility of giving paracetamol or ibuprofen. Never give aspirin to babies because it can risk causing dangerous side effects.

Conditions to watch out for
Although a cold is one of the common diseases experienced by babies, but there are several conditions that make parents need to be vigilant and immediately consult with a doctor, including:
  • Colds that are accompanied by cough and fever are more than 39 degrees Celsius in children under 3 months, or fever reaches more than 40 degrees Celsius in children over 3 months.
  • Fever lasts more than two days.
  • Watery eyes or eye feces.
  • Coughing gets worse or accompanied by rapid breathing, wheezing sounds when the baby breathes.
  • Significant changes in diet or sleep, often drowsy or fussy.
  • Babies cry when they suckle while rubbing or pulling their ears, and crying when they are put on the bed.
  • Colds don't improve after 7-10 days

Infants with imperfect immune systems are at risk of experiencing various diseases. Therefore, colds in infants accompanied by severe symptoms must be watched out. Consult a doctor for appropriate and safe handling of the baby.

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Causes of Premature Babies

Causes of Premature Babies: Women with certain diseases and habits are thought to have a tendency to premature delivery. Called premature birth baby, before 37 weeks of gestation in the mother's womb.
Causes of Premature Babies
Causes of Premature Babies
Premature birth can be caused by various factors that are often difficult to predict. Babies born prematurely, especially those born before reaching the age of 32 weeks, often experience various health problems.

Some factors that can trigger premature birth babies include:

1. Infection
Some cases of premature birth are caused by bacterial infections of the reproductive system and urinary tract. The bacteria secrete substances that can weaken the membranes around the amniotic sac and cause the membranes to rupture earlier. These bacteria can also cause inflammation and infection in the uterus, even when the membranes that cover the uterus are still intact. This condition causes babies to be born prematurely.

As for infections that can cause premature births, including:
  • Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.
  • Urinary tract infections or asymptomatic bacteriuria are generally not accompanied by symptoms, so urine tests are needed to detect bacteria.
Especially for those who have previously experienced preterm labor, you should undergo a checkup and treatment for bacterial vaginosis to reduce the risk of preterm birth.

2. Certain diseases or conditions
People with certain diseases such as diabetes, kidney problems, high blood pressure, anemia during pregnancy, are more at risk of developing preterm labor.

In addition, problems in the placenta such as placenta previa or placental abruption can also make a baby born prematurely. Placenta previa is a condition when the placenta is embedded too close to the cervix or cervix.

Patients with placenta previa are prone to severe bleeding so often require a caesarean section. Abruptio placenta or placental abruption is a condition when the placenta begins to separate from the uterine wall before the baby is born. This condition can endanger the life of the mother and baby.

Having a cervical structure that is less than 2.5 cm, or a cervix that opens and closes without contractions can also cause preterm birth. This abnormal condition of the cervix can occur from birth or due to cervical surgery.

Having surgery in the abdominal cavity during pregnancy, for example due to inflammation of the appendix or gallstones, also increases the risk of the baby being born prematurely.

3. Lifestyle
Daily bad habits can also trigger premature babies like:
  • Smoking during pregnancy
  • Take alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Lack of consuming nutritious foods.

4. Other risk factors
There are several other specific conditions that make a woman more at risk of premature delivery, including:
  • Contain more than one baby.
  • Pregnant with a distance of less than six months from a previous pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy through IVF.
  • Have had an abortion or miscarriage several times.
  • Some preterm labor tends to also occur in pregnant women who have blood relations with women who have experienced it first. In this case, genetic factors can be considered to play a role.
  • Experience trauma, depression, violence, or injury during pregnancy. High stress causes the release of hormones that trigger contractions and preterm birth.
  • Body weight is less or more than normal before becoming pregnant.
  • Take diethylstilboestrol (DES) medicine while pregnant.
  • Aged less than 17 or more than 35 years during pregnancy.
  • Using an IUD contraception when experiencing conception and the IUD is still in its position while pregnant.
  • Your type of work involves heavy physical activity.
  • Bleeding several times during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester.
  • If you feel you have one or more risk factors for a premature baby, you should immediately talk to your obstetrician for more intensive treatment to prevent premature labor.

If you feel you have one or more risk factors for premature births as discussed above, you should immediately talk to your obstetrician for more intensive treatment.
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